
Track sales and conversion performance for product description changes

Updated on June 14, 2022

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Product page content plays an extremely important role in whether your customers choose to continue their journey to purchase the product. This is especially important if you have a lot of information to include about each product or variant on the product page, too much information in a poorly formatted way can drastically reduce the changes of a customer purchasing a product.

We’ve got you covered, with Tabs+ you can provide a more optimized format of information on your product pages using tabs / sections for different types of content, as well as different information for each variant. You can even provide translated content based on the customers preferred language.

Tabs+ will keep a record of all versions of your product / variant content for you, it will use this to track visit, conversion, and sales data for each of these versions so you can quickly and easily see how they’re performing and make changes to boost that sales performance.

You can access the list of revisions on the product page by selecting the “View revision history” option

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Here you’ll have visibility into the content and performance metrics for each version, you can even hit the “Revert to revision” button on any one of them to rollback to a specific version.

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