Bulk importing product and variant data
Updated on October 19, 2022
Whether during your initial setup or just maintaining large amounts of products and variants, it may be simpler and faster for you to manage your title, description, and tab content in CSV files (using Excel or other software). We’ve got you covered, using our bulk import feature you can import CSV files that are formatted in the same way Shopify exports the product and variant data for you.
Creating a CSV file
We recommend starting with the Shopify Product export CSV file and only including the products you want to edit. For details on the file format, check out the “Import file format” section at the bottom of this page.
To get the Shopify Product export, go to the Products page in your Shopify Dashboard and hit the Export button on the top right

- Open this file with Excel, Numbers, Google Sheet, etc and you’ll see it has a list of products and variants.
- Remove any products or variants that you do not want to edit.
- Edit the “Title” column to set custom variant titles (if you’re doing a variant import).
- Edit the “Body (HTML)” field to change the description of the product or variant
- Add “Tab:<Name>” columns for each tab you want, or “SharedTab:<Name>” to include shared tab templates. See the “Import file format” section below for more details on these columns.
Importing the CSV file
In the app, on the top right of the page with your product listing, hit the “Import” button

Add your CSV file

- Select whether you want to import products or variants from this file.
- Select if you want to publish immediately. We recommend importing into a draft state first, so uncheck this option, so you can inspect your data after the import and make sure everything looks as you expect, and then re-do the import with the publish immediately option enabled.
- Hit the import button
- You’ll see a progress bar on the top of the page.
That’s it! As always, if you have any issues please contact us.
The file must be a CSV file with the following headers:
- Handle: The product handle, this is required.
- Title: Optionally include this if you want to set a different title on each variant
- Body (HTML): The product or variant description, this can be excluded if you don’t want to set a description or set to an empty value.
- Option1 Value: For variant imports, this is the value of the first variant option. Required if you’re doing a variant import, can be ignored for product imports.
- Option2 Value: For variant imports, this is the value of the second variant option. Required if you’re doing a variant import, can be ignored for product imports.
- Option3 Value: For variant imports, this is the value of the third variant option. Required if you’re doing a variant import, can be ignored for product imports.
- Tab:<Name>:<Icon>: You can include columns to add tabs, such as “Tab:Shipping Policy” or “Tab:Warranty:warranty”
- SharedTab:<Name>: Include shared tab templates on products or variants such as “Tab:Sizing Chart”, assuming you have a tab template created called “Sizing Chart”. Leave the cell blank for this column to not include the tab on that product/variant, or any value to include it.
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